I. Don't. Know.
That pretty much sums it up. I have no idea what I'm doing and that's okay because I'm figuring it out. I think the first hurdle to freelancing is telling yourself that it's okay to not know everything, to screw up royally, and to make your best guess.
In the past few weeks I've been spending a lot of time trying to "figure things out" and let me tell you, there is A LOT to learn. My brain feels like it's going to explode, but it's one of those good explosions like when your crush notices you. Sometimes it feels like that art is my crush, and I'm constantly chasing it around trying to get it to notice me and all my hard work so I can finally get this freelance thing off the ground. For the most part, it's still awkward moments and crickets. But I'm learning.
With my secret obsession for office supplies and 24/7 access to the internet, I am prepared to do battle with this nemesis called research. Notebooks, notebooks, notebooks. And somehow, it's all starting to make sense. I have TONS of research to do on business contracts, marketing, and shameless self promotion (oh my!). But I'm getting somewhere, even if it is slow progress. I can see now that the error of my ways was trying to wait until I had it all figured out.
Being a freelance artist is starting to look a lot different then I originally imagined, and that's okay too. So, if you're trying to be a freelancer or an artist, don't be too hard on yourself for not having it all figured out.